AACoRE > Laboratories > Kamei's Lab > Index in English
KAMEI Nobutaka's Lab
KAMEI Nobutaka

History of the website

of the Laboratory of KAMEI Nobutaka

日本語 / English / Français
Last updated: March 1, 2020

This is the record of the history of this website set up on October 30, 2003.
The website in Japanese started on October 30, 2003.
The website in English started on November 23, 2003.
The website in French started on March 14, 2013.
Major renewals like adding new webpages are listed. Minor daily postings are not included.

March 1, 2020
The new webpage opened: "Global academic exchange," Aichi Prefectural University (in Japanese).

January 16 - February 3, 2020 NEW!
Stopped the renewals of the website for the failure of the AACoRE server.

September 7, 2019 NEW!
The new webpages opened: "Exhibition in the MEXT museum "Fieldwork photo exhibition: Today's world observed by the students"" and "Public symposium in the MEXT museum "Practices of education by active learning for ten years: Challenges of the Department of International and Cultural Studies, Aichi Prefectural University"" (in Japanese).

August 13, 2019
The new webpages opened: "Schedule: 2020" in English/French/Japanese.

June 8, 2019
The new webpage opened: ""Communication disorders" as a new type of eugenics: Toward better conversations between cultures, Human mind 191" (in Japanese).

May 5, 2019
The new webpages opened: "Committee services in universities" in English/French/Japanese.

April 24, 2019
The new webpages opened: "Media" in English/French.

April 7, 2019
The new webpage opened: "The 14th joint symposium of the Council of Anthropology-Related Associations (CARA)" (in Japanese).

February 27, 2019
Started the renewals of the website again.

January 25 - February 26, 2019
Stopped the renewals of the website for the maintenance of the AACoRE server.

August 29, 2018
The new webpage opened: "Main events which I sponsored" (in Japanese).

August 23, 2018
The new webpage opened: "Fieldwork training" (in Japanese).

August 21, 2018
The new webpages opened: "Schedule: 2019" in English/French/Japanese.

July 15, 2018
The new webpage opened: "Trends of museum exhibitions on "race" and "racism": Cases of exhibitions by Musée de l'Homme in France and the American Anthropological Association" (in Japanese).

August 31, 2017
The new webpages opened: "Research themes" in English/French/Japanese. The old webpages closed: "Research interests" in English (research_interests-e.html)/Japanese (research_interests-e.html).

August 21, 2017
The new webpages opened: "Schedule: 2018" in English/French/Japanese and "Schedule in the future" in English/French/Japanese.

August 15, 2017
The new webpage opened: Africa where children live: On the earth between the traditional cultures and the development (in Japanese).

August 14, 2017
The new webpage opened: "Fieldwork Festa of the Department of International and Cultural Studies, Aichi Prefectural University" (in Japanese).

August 13, 2017
The new webpage opened: "Visual anthropology workshops in Aichi Prefectural University" (in Japanese).

April 30, 2017
The new webpage opened: Encyclopedia of the Hand (Society of Biomechanisms Japan ed., 2017, Tokyo : Asakura Pulishing) (in Japanese).

December 28, 2016
The new webpages opened: "Schedule: 2017" in Japanese/English/French.

November 19, 2016
The new webpage opened: The symposium "Toward the new curriculum "civil society" in high schools: The propositions by cultural anthropology" sponsored by the Section of Anthropology, Science Council of Japan (in Japanese).

March 18, 2016
The new webpages opened: The page in English "The 8th World Congress of African Linguistics (WOCAL8)" was translated into French and Japanese.

February 29, 2016
The new webpage opened: "Institut des économies en développement, Organisation Japonaise du commerce extérieur" (in French).

December 8, 2015
The new webpages opened: "Schedule: 2016" in Japanese/English/French.

November 3, 2015
The "tweet" buttons were put in the Homo sapiens diary.

October 30, 2015
The new webpages opened: "History of the website of the Laboratory of KAMEI Nobutaka" (in English) and (in French).

October 17, 2015
The new webpages opened: "List of publishers where KAMEI Nobutaka published books, chapters and articles" (in English) and (in French).

October 11, 2015
The webpage of the presentations in French "La liste des présentations" was completely renewed! All the presentations in the past (1998-2015) were translated into French.

September 29, 2015
The new webpages opened: "Collaborative research" (in English) and (in French).

September 25, 2015
The new webpage opened: Support for Ethnological Projects, Shibusawa Foundation for Ethnological Studies "Practical research on "university education and fieldwork" and development of teaching materials" (in Japanese).

September 21, 2015
The new webpage opened: "La liste des publications" (in French).

September 8, 2015
The new webpages opened: Extension course of Aichi Prefectural University "Global issues of environment and resources: Perspectives of the world and Japan in 21st century" (in Japanese) and "Special Lecture in Aichi Prefectural University by Dr. KADA Yukiko, the President of Biwako Seikei Sport College and the ex-Governor of Shiga Prefecture" (in Japanese).

September 6, 2015
The new webpage opened: "Les fonds de recherche" (in French).

September 5, 2015
The new webpages opened: "Le curriculum vitæ" (in French) and "Le programme de l'année 2015" (in French).

August 30, 2015
The new webpage opened: "The 8th World Congress of African Linguistics (WOCAL8)" (in English).

April 13, 2015
The new webpage opened: "Iwanami Junior Paperbacks "Life and nurturing: The influence of contemporary medicine, social welfare and culture on today's children"" (in Japanese).

March 22, 2015
The new webpage opened: Special webpage for plantain banana cooking (in Japanese) for the occasion of the appearance in "Asa-ichi," the TV program of NHK G (gone on air on Tuesday, March 31, 2015, AM8:15-).

March 5, 2015
The new webpage opened: Support page of the article ""Segregation in the name of cultural differences" ? : Apartheid and the politics of the acceptance of differences" on SYNODOS (in Japanese).

January 1, 2015
The new webpage opened: "Les archives des nouvelles" (in French).

November 8, 2014
The new webpages opened: "Schedule: 2015" (in Japanese) and (in English).

November 8, 2014
The new webpages opened: "Archive of the top news" (in Japanese), (in English) and (in French).

August 20, 2014
The new webpage opened: "Media" (in Japanese).

July 17, 2014
The new webpage opened: Public lecture of Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology "Learning cultural anthropology in the university: Cases and possibilities of fieldwork training" (in Japanese).

June 15, 2014
The new webpage opened: University of Tokyo Press "Public anthropology" (in Japanese).

December 29, 2013
The new webpages opened: "Schedule: 2014" (in Japanese) and (in English).

September 18, 2013
The new webpage opened: "La liste des présentations" (in French).

September 8, 2013
The new webpages opened: "Les associations" (in French), "Classes and committee services in universities" (in English), "Les classes et les services des comités aux universités" (in French).

June 29, 2013
The new webpages opened: "Countries and regions where I have visited" (in French), (in Japanese) and (in English).

June 24, 2013
The new webpage opened: "Promotion fund for education and research, Aichi Prefectural University "Fieldwork skill training centering on video technology and contribution to society"" (in Japanese).

March 31, 2013
The new webpages opened: "International Conference on Langue des Signes d'Afrique Francophone (LSAF)" (in French), (in Japanese) and (in English).

March 18, 2013
The new webpages opened: "La recherche sur le terrain" (in French) and "L'affiliation et le contact" (in French).

March 14, 2013
The website in French started. Three new webpages in French opened. L'index in français, "Le groupe préparatoire pour la fondation de l'Institut de Recherche sur la Langue des Signes d'Afrique Francophone (LSAF)" and Ecoute mes mains.

March 13, 2013
The new webpage opened: "Group for the preparation of the foundation of the Research Institute for Langue des Signes d'Afrique Francophone (LSAF)" (in Japanese).

March 8, 2013
The new webpage opened: Ecoute mes mains (in Japanese).

January 26, 2013
The new webpage opened: "Theses by students and seminars" (in Japanese).

December 15, 2012
The new webpages opened: "Schedule: 2013" (in Japanese) and (in English).

June 9, 2012
The new webpage opened: "Promotion fund for education and research, Aichi Prefectural University "Promotion of fieldwork research training with visual technology"" (in Japanese).

April 24, 2012
The webpage "List of publications and presentations" (in Japanese) was divided into two pages: "List of publications" (in Japanese) and "List of presentations" (in Japanese).

May 23, 2011
The new webpages opened: "Schedule: 2011" (in Japanese) and (in English)).

February 25, 2011
The new webpage opened: "Fieldwork with supporting" (in Japanese).

November 14, 2010
Tweets (@jinrui_nikki) (mainly in Japanese) started to be shown in the top page in Japanese.

October 30, 2010
The new webpage opened: Japanese Journal of Sign Linguistics 19 (Featured articles "A half-century of sign linguistics") (in Japanese).

October 23, 2010
The webpage "Fieldworks" (in Japanese) was divided into two pages: "Fieldworks" (in Japanese) and "Research grants" (in Japanese).

April 25, 2010
The new webpage opened: "Collaborative research" (in Japanese).

January 19, 2010
The new webpage opened: "Little "hunters" in the forest" (in Japanese).

January 13, 2010
Old contents of the "Center for Asian and African Sign Languages: Version 2007" were deleted and moved to the archives (in Japanese) in AACoRE.

January 9, 2010
The contents of the "Center for Asian and African Sign Languages: Version 2007" were moved to this website and opened the archives page (in Japanese) to delete the data from [http://www.aa.tufs.ac.jp/~kamei/].

January 2, 2010
The Google searching function was introduced.

January 2, 2010
The new webpages opened: "Schedule: 2010" (in Japanese) and (in English).

November 18, 2009
The new webpage opened: Japanese Journal of Sign Linguistics 18 (Featured articles "Ethics in sign language research") (in Japanese).

July 20, 2009
The new webpage opened: "Positive and negative of knowledge resources" (in Japanese).

June 1, 2009
The new webpage opened: "Introduction to the anthropology of play" (in Japanese).

June 1, 2009
The new webpage opened: "Let's visit the Deaf world!" (in Japanese).

May 23, 2009
The new webpage opened: "Schedule: 2009" (in English).

April 11, 2009
The new website opened: "Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (A) "A study of applied linguistic anthropology for the enhancement of human development of the Deaf: Comparative study of sign languages and societies in African countries"" (in Japanese).

January 14, 2009
The new webpage opened: "Monthly index of Homo sapiens diary" (in Japanese).

September 1, 2008
The encoding of all the webpages was changed from Japanese (Shift-JIS) to Unicode (UTF-8).

August 31, 2008
The website of the COE Workshop of Kwansei Gakuin University "Multi-cultures and happiness" (in Japanese) was moved to the AACoRE.

August 2, 2008
The new webpage opened: the textbook "On va signer en Langue des Signes d'Afrique Francophone!" (in Japanese) and (in English).

May 18, 2008
The new webpages opened: "News" (in Japanese), "Browsing the contents" (in Japanese), "Authors" (in Japanese) and "Links" (in Japanese) of the book Actions in the field.

May 4, 2008
The new webpage opened: "Intensive Language Course of "Langue des Signes d'Afrique Francophone"" (in Japanese).

May 3, 2008
The new webpages opened: "Schedule: 2008" (in Japanese) and "History of the website" (in Japanese).

April 10, 2008
The website was moved to the server of the AA Collaborative Research Environment (AACoRE), Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

April 5, 2008
The new webpage opened: "List of publishers" (in Japanese).

March 24, 2008
The new website opened: Actions in the field (in Japanese).

December 12, 2007
The 500th posting of the Homo sapiens diary (in Japanese).

September 5, 2007
The new website opened: "Center for Asian and African Sign Languages."

September 4, 2007
The website was moved to the server of the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.

November 1, 2004
The new website opened: COE Workshop of Kwansei Gakuin University "Multi-cultures and happiness" (in Japanese).

July 20, 2004
The website was moved to the server of the School of Sociology and Social Work, Kwansei Gakuin University.

November 23, 2003
The website in English started. "Index in English" opened. The report (in Japanese).

November 2, 2003
Homo sapiens diary (in Japanese) started. The first posting (in Japanese).

October 30, 2003
This website (originally made in Japanese) started in the server of the Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University.

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All Rights Reserved. (C) 2003- KAMEI Nobutaka